Annabel Venning graduated in History and Politics from Durham University,
before embarking on a career as a journalist. She has written for numerous
magazines and newspapers, including the Daily Telegraph,
the Daily Mail and the Times. She is now a
frequent contributor to the Mail on Sunday, for which she covers
a wide variety of historical topics. Additionally, she advises the Books
Department of the Daily Mail on the serialization and
abridgement of non-fiction books, including many works of history.
Annabel’s first book, the critically-acclaimed Following the Drum:
The Lives of Army Wives and Daughters, painted a portrait of the women who
followed and supported the British Army across four centuries of war, and was
published by Headline in 2005. Her latest book, To War With the Walkers, is published by Hodder & Stoughton.
On a personal front, Annabel is the daughter of an army officer and the
granddaughter of two army officers, all of whom served in the Gurkhas. Born in
Hong Kong, she has also lived in Brunei and Germany, and has now finally
settled in the Chalke Valley in Wiltshire with her two children, two dogs, and
one husband, in the form of the author and journalist, Guy Walters.
Agent: Patrick Walsh