Johan Rockström is Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact
Research, Professor at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at
Potsdam University, and Professor in Water Systems and Global Sustainability at
Stockholm University.
Rockström gained international recognition with the development of the
Planetary Boundaries framework, which has since become a standard of
sustainability science. He is deeply involved in research activities covering a
range of topics related to the Earth System and global sustainability in the Anthropocene.
In addition to his research endeavors, which have been widely used to guide
policy, Rockström provides strategic scientific guidance as a member of the
European Commission’s Expert Group ‘Mission Board for Adaptation to Climate
Change, including Societal Transformation’ and the Royal Swedish Academy of
Sciences. He regularly acts as an advisor to high-level international meetings
and organisations, such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), the General Assembly
of the United Nations (UNGA), the United Nations Sustainable Development
Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change Conferences (UNFCCC). Moreover, he is the Chief Scientist of
Conservation International, as well as chairing the advisory board for the EAT
Initiative on Health, Food and Sustainability, the Earth League, and Future
Earth (co-chair) and the Earth Commission.
Rockström’s work has been recognized with accolades, the most recent of
which include the Prince Albert II of Monaco Climate Change Award (2020), the
Hillary Laureate by the Hillary Institute of International Leadership (2017),
the French distinction Knight of the Legion of Honour (2016), the German
Environmental Award (2015) and the International Cosmos Prize (2015).
Agent: John Ash