Mark Honigsbaum is a medical historian and
journalist with wide-ranging interests encompassing health, science,
technology and contemporary culture. A regular contributor to the Observer and the Lancet, he is the author of five books including The Fever Trail: In Search of the Cure for Malaria (Farrar Straus Giroux, 2002) and Living With Enza: The Forgotten Story of Britain and the Great Flu Pandemic of 1918 (Macmillan,
2009) which was longlisted for the Royal Society science book of the
year in 2009. Currently a Lecturer in Journalism at City University,
Honigsbaum was formerly an investigative reporter for Channel 4 News and
Chief Reporter of the Observer. When not visiting outbreak
zones, he can be spotted walking a large white Goldendoodle on the
towpath beside Hammersmith Bridge. His latest book, The Pandemic Century, is published by Penguin Press.
Agent: Patrick Walsh

© Philip Webb